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Category Archives: Digital Classroom
Are You a Newbie to the Digital Classroom?
The transition from the old classroom with the second-hand computers gathering dust in the back to the Digital Classroom can be intimidating. Click here to read about Alycia and her students’ journey to their 1:1 Digital Classroom and on a shoe string budget.
If you are in need of Digital Classroom resources including clip art, animations, photos and videos, please visit my TPT Store.
Teacher Summer Countdown
July’s To Do List:
Sleep in……………Go to the beach…………..Take the kids to visit Grandma……………..Lunch with best friend……………..Shopping – ALL AFTERNOON.……………………Watch the Season’s reruns.
Tomorrow: Repeat!
Then the Transformation.
Grab some clip art, gifs, animations, videos and photo FREEBIES – CLICK ON THE LINKS BELOW!
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